Thaumaturgy Rank 3

Thaumaturgy Rank 3
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Thaumaturgy Rank 2, 50 Power Points, level 5
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 3:

Spell Verbal: I Pierce the Veil of Force and Energy to

  • …Drain Magic Power        6 Power Points      Instant
    • This spell will cause the target character to lose up to 10 Power Points and transfer the lost points to the caster of the spell. The target cannot lose more Power Points then they have left, and the caster cannot gain more than their normal Power Point maximum. However, if the caster is at his maximum Power Points and the target has power left, the target character will still loose up to 10 Power Points.


  • Destroy Magic        9 Power Points        Instant
    • This spell destroys all spells with a duration of latent, even those augmented by Warlock skills, on a character. No spell from the Aura School can prevent this; neither can an Obscure spell. A Destroy Magic spell does not effect active spells such as Paralysis, Imprisonment, and Magic Sanctuary or an active Fortitude.
    • This spell will be stopped by any sorcery ritual that stops spells such as Ritual of Spell Shield. No low magic spell, even one contained in an item, can be used to stop this spell.


  • …Quiet Sorcery        9 Power Points      Instant
    • This spell will temporarily bring down defensive latent sorcery rituals cast directly upon a target character for 5 minutes. If the target has a magic item that is giving them the benefit of some ritual, such as Ritual of Defense, the ritual will not be affected. No ritual magic, even one contained in an item, can be used to stop this spell.
    • This spell will be stopped normally by any low magic defense that stops spells such as the Negation, Absorption, or Obscure spells.


  • …Transfer Magic Power        8 Power Points      Instant
    • This spell will transfer Power Points from the caster to the target character. Any number of power points up to the casters current number of Power Points can be transferred. The caster needs to spend the 8 Power Points to cast the spell, plus the amount of Power Points being transferred. The caster should suffix the spells verbal with amount of Power Points they are transferring. For example, “I Pierce the Veil of Force and Energy to Transfer Magic Power…20 Power Points.” The caster would lose a total of 28 Power Points and the target would gain 20 Power Points.
    • The actual transfer happens after the spell hits, so if a character where to invoke an absorption spell or effect, they will only get the 8 Power Points of the spell and the caster would only lose the power to cast the spell, not the amount they intended to transfer. However, if the caster throws the spell and it hits an unintended target, that character would gain the Power Points stated when cast. If the packet hits an invalid target like a door, floor, rock, etc. (ie not a character), then no power is transferred.
    • The caster cannot transfer more power than they have; trying to do so means the spell fails and the Power Points used to cast the spell are expended.


Thaumaturgy Rank 1
Thaumaturgy Rank 2
Thaumaturgy Rank 4
Thaumaturgy Rank 5

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