Spell Singing Rank 5

Spell Singing Rank 5
List: Spell Singer
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Spell Singing Rank 4, 100 Spell Singing Points, level 13
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 5:

Spell Verbal: 35 Syllables in Length


  • Repel True       15 Spell Singing Points       While Sung
    • This song forces all characters 10 feet away from the singer. This is a magical force and cannot be over come with strength. Once the singer completes the song, they may designate those that the song will not affect but only once at the time of completion and only for those present.
    • Any character affected by this song cannot attack the singer so long as they maintain this spell. Additionally, the Spell Singer cannot take any violent actions while maintaining this spell.
    • A defense that stops spells will negate this song if the target character invokes their defense when they are in the original area. They can move freely from that point on, entering and leaving the area of affect. However, characters that are not in the original area of affect cannot use a defense that stops spells to later enter the area.
    • This Spell Song cannot be combined with the Echo skill and this song cannot be dispelled.
  • Haven       20 Spell Singing Points       10 Minutes
    • This song causes all hostile actions in the sound of the singer’s voice to cease. While this song is in affect, anyone entering the area is similarly affected. This area is static and does not move. This song does not compel the affected characters to remain in the area and they are able to leave when they wish.
    • No violent actions can enter the havened area, so even if a character leaves the area, they still cannot attack anyone within the Haven. Theft of any kind is considered a violent action so pick pocketing, looting a body or even picking up an item off the ground that does not belong to you is not allowed.
    • There is no defense to this song – even the Resist Ability, once sung the affect will remain until the duration has expired and cannot be dispelled. Even the singer is affected by this spell.
  • Destroy Being      20 Spell Singing Points       Instant
    • Any character this song is sung to will be forced to the Brink of Death by the power of this melody. All characters are affected by this spell whether they take damage from Death magic or Healing magic. Characters that would normally take damage from a Life or Kill spell will take that damage instead. Inanimate objects or constructs, such as golems but not undead, are not affected by this spell. The target character can be healed as per the normal healing rules.
  • Legend Life       24 Spell Singing Points       Instant
    • This song will heal a character that is at the Brink of Death and bring them to 1 Body Point. The Death System is not used when this spell is sung. This song works regardless of any other types of life affects the character has received that day with the exception of a Legend Life.
    • This song has the power to bring a person back from un-death, but it can only reverse the effects of the Necromancy school and only on undead created less than 1 hour. Sorcerously created undead are not affected at all by this spell.
    • This song cannot be cast on a person unless they are at the Brink of Death. Unlike other types of life effects, the target player can refuse the life. The Spell Singing Points are used and the character’s Death Count continues. Once a character has received a Legend Life, they cannot receive any other types of life until 7:00am.


Spell Singing Rank 1
Spell Singing Rank 2
Spell Singing Rank 3
Spell Singing Rank 4

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