Sense Trap

Sense Trap
List: Arcane Grifter
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Disarm Trap, Arcane Grifter Tools of the Trade
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

The Sense Trap skill allows the character to magically detect traps on objects by touching them. The object can be a box, book, door, window, etc. but not an entire room or building. If the character suspects a section of floor is trapped, they would need to touch each section separately.

Once used, the skill will reveal if the object is trapped by either a mundane trap or a magical one such as a rune. The character also learns what the trap does. For example, for a mundane trap, the skill would reveal if it was damaging or a gas trap but not what kind of damage or gas. For a magical trap such as a rune, the skill would reveal the kind of rune (Fire Rune) but not its true name or effect.

To use this skill, the character must touch the object and expend 3 Power Points. The character would call “With my Arcane Power, I Sense Traps”, which is an in-game verbal and has a visible flash in- game that is visible to anyone who can hear the character. They must speak the verbal at a normal conversational tone. The marshal would then inform them of any information they have learned or they may read the marshal notes if present.

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