Nature Magic Rank 4

Nature Magic Rank 4
List: Druid
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Nature Magic Rank 3, 8 Elemental Pool Purchases
Skill Type: Faith
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 4:

Spell Verbal: By Nature’s Will, I

  • …Travel Through this Tree to Another Place       12 Power Points        Special
    • By use of this spell, the Druid may transport themselves and all items carried and worn through one tree to another. The tree must be touched and be at least one foot in diameter. The Druid may take one other willing, living character with them.
    • After completion of the verbal, the character must put on a white headband. From the time the Druid puts on a white headband, they have 20 seconds to reach the other tree and the Druid cannot be blocked by other characters while moving. If the Druid does not reach another tree by that time, they are brought to the Brink of Death and rise up through the earth where the time ran out with everything they are carrying including another character. This additional character is not harmed.
    • The Druid cannot drop or pick up any items while they are tree walking.
    • Note that the player does not call a Hold to use this spell.
  • …Transmute Your Flesh to Stone Forever       14 Power Points        End of Event
    • The targeted character and all items carried or in hand including Mithril and magical items are turned to magical stone until the end of the current Event.
    • The target is not dead but in stasis, their Death Count and all other timed effects – alchemical durations, diseases, Death Slave, etc. – stop. They cannot be affected by physical attacks or spells including those augmented by Warlockery.
    • The affected character may be moved with a +6 Strength Bonus, Non-Combinable or better.
    • This spell may be undone with Oil of Stone to Flesh or Restore Flesh spell or certain sorcery rituals. Dispel Magic and Sever Magic spells have no effect on the stoned character. The Druid who cast the spell can remove it by touching the player.


  • …Restore You Back to Flesh Again       14 Power Points        Instant
    • This spell turns a character that is currently turned to stone back to being flesh again in the same state they were when turned to stone. Therefore, if a character was Mortally Wounded and then turned to stone, they are still Mortally Wounded and their Death Count continues.
    • This will undo most turn to stone effects such as a Basilisk’s gaze, a Gorgon’s Gaze, the Flesh to Stone spell or similar spells or effects.


Nature Magic Rank 1
Nature Magic Rank 2
Nature Magic Rank 3

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