Nature Magic Rank 1

Nature Magic Rank 1
List: Druid
Cost: 2
Prereqs: 2 Elemental Pool Purchases
Skill Type: Faith
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Nature Magic is unique to Druids and their connection with The Mother.


Special Rules of Nature Magic:

Nature Magic works just like any regular low magic school; it must be learned rank by rank, requires the use of the correct full verbal and costs Power Points. Standard spell defenses will stop the effects of these spells – Negation, Spell Shield, etc – except the character gains no Elemental Pool Points or Power Points if an Absorption spell is used. A character can use the Redirect skill to redirect a Nature Magic spell.

Nature Magic spells cannot be used with Warlock skills, Create Scroll skill, or Sorcery Rituals.


Rank 1:

Spell Verbal: By Nature’s Will, I

  • …Create Food and Water       2 Power Points        Instant
    • With this spell, the Druid may produce an edible meal out of the earth. The meal created is the minimum requirement for healthy survival for one person for a day. The food is neither very filling nor great in quality. The Druid also causes a small jet of water to spring from the ground for one minute producing 4 liters of pure drinking water.
    • The Druid may produce food for themselves for the month instead of paying the monthly maintenance to Logistics.


  • …Repel This Being       3 Power Points        While Concentrating
    • This spell compels the target character to be unable to attack the Druid with attacks or spells. If the Druid attacks the target, the spell will end.
    • The spell lasts as long as the Druid concentrates. Out-of-game, in order to represent this, the player must hold their arm outstretched parallel to the ground with their palm facing towards the target.
    • This spell is a charm like effect and therefore can be stopped by Resist Suggestion spell, the Iron Will skill, Elven Resist skill, and other defenses that stop charms in addition to other defenses that stop spells.


Nature Magic Rank 2
Nature Magic Rank 3
Nature Magic Rank 4

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