Magic Tools

Magic Tools
List: Arcane Grifter
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Arcane Grifter Tools of the Trade, Pick Lock, Disarm Trap
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows the character to conjure up magical thief tools they can use to pick a lock or disarm a trap. The tools can be anything the character can image, but the player must carry an out-of-game physrep for each tool he wishes to use. No tool physrep, no tool.

Alternatively, if the character has no out-of-game tools, they can expend 3 Power Points and use as many Quick Pick or Quick Disarm Trap Tags as they have and need to get past each lock or trap. So, if a box has 1 trap and one lock, the character would need to spend a total of 6 Power Points and one or each tag to open the box.

To use this skill, the character must expend 1 Power Points and use the in-game verbal, “With my Arcane Power, I conjure Magic Tools” at a normal conversation volume, which has a visible in-game effect that any character nearby can see. The tools will last as long as the character concentrates. This means they may not speak at all, move faster than a slow walking pace, engage in combat, use other skills, cast spells or take damage. They may invoke magical defenses on themselves or in items if they are struck to maintain concentration.

This effect can be dispelled with the Dispel Magic spell. Sever Magic spell has no effect.

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