Magic Blade

Magic Blade
List: Arcane Grifter
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Arcane Grifter Tools of the Trade
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

When activated, this skill will empower any weapon the character holds to swing for magical damage for 10 minutes. This skill is hand specific and once invoked, only weapons in that hand will be augmented. There is no Damage Bonus or other effect from the use of this skill. The weapon can still be shattered.

To active this skill, the character should call “Magic Blade” and expend 10 Power Points. The verbal is out-of-game, but, has a visible in-game flash that can be seen by anyone that can hear it. The verbal must be called at a normal conversational tone.

This effect can be dispelled with the Dispel Magic spell. Sever Magic spell has no effect.

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