Heal Wounds

Heal Wounds
List: Paladin Cleric
Cost: 5
Prereqs: Cleric ~or~ Paladin
Skill Type: Faith
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Instant

Once this skill is purchased, the character gains a Healing Pool. For each purchase of this skill, the character gains 25 Healing Points. How the character may use this pool depends on whether they are a Cleric or Paladin.

A Cleric or Paladin may heal any living character’s Body Points at a rate of one for one. The character may also use their pool to mimic Healing School spells at double the Power Point cost. The table below outlines what spells they can mimic and how many Healing Pool Points it costs. After the verbal is called, the character should suffix the effect with the word “…Light.” Note: Empower Evil will not stop these spell effects and the Absorption spell will stop the spell but not give any Power Points.


Healing Spell
Healing Pool Points

Detect Life
0, 2 if Thrown*

Purify Blood

Assess Ailment

Heal Body

Heal this Mind

Heal this Limb

Heal this Mortal Wound

Return Ghoul**

Return Death Slave**

* The character must have at least 1 Healing Pool Point to Detect Life

** Only Clerics can mimic these two effects, not Paladins.


A Cleric or Paladin can use their pool points to harm undead, demonic or other Vile Spawn characters at a rate of one for one. The attack damages the target character’s Body Points and is considered magical damage for the purposes of Damage Resistance. This can be delivered by touch out of combat or thrown via a spell packet. The character determines the amount of damage when the skill is called, up to their current Healing Pool total.

For example, Kida has three purchases of the Heal Wounds skill giving her 75 Healing Pool Points. She has used 20 Healing Pool Points already that Tag Cycle. She sees a demon pontificating to the Avalonians attempting to cower them into submission. She walks up behind the demon and touches the character using her Healing Pool to inflict damage. She says, “By the light of the sun I cleanse your evil taint with 30 Light”. The NPC demon takes 30 points of direct Body Point damage. Now Kida is engaged in combat and cannot touch the NPC. She uses her dagger to attack the demon. Normally she swings 1 damage with her dagger, but Kida has used a Holy Blessing and a +3 Strength Potion. She uses 1 point of her Healing Pool to augment her damage and now swings “6 Light” – 1 for the dagger, +1 for the Holy Blessing, +1 for the Healing Pool point, and +3 for the Giant Strength potion.


A Cleric or Paladin may use this skill to augment their damage to “Light” which will deal direct body damage to all undead, demons and Vile Spawn and requires at least one point of their Healing Pool per attack – damage or skill. If the character has the Cleric skill, they may use up to one purchase or 25 points of their Healing Pool to increase their damage. A character with the Paladin skill may use as much of their Healing Pool as they wish, up to their current total pool points. Either way, the character must call their verbal before each strike and the damage dealt is always “Light” damage. If the character fails to land their attack, they have 5 seconds to try to land the attack before they must recite their in-game verbal again.

For example, Reylos is fighting a pack of undead that is normally only affected by silver weapons or better. Having only normal weapons and swinging 7 points of damage, he uses three points of his Healing Pool with each swing. He now swings 10 points of damage and calls “10 Light”. Reylos can use more of his Healing Pool with each attack to increase his damage accordingly.

Damage augmented with “Light”, in either case, does not harm living characters unless noted on their Character Card.

This skill requires the use of a verbal, which must be at least 5 syllables, not including the skill’s name, and must contain some reasonably recognizable version of the name of the skill. This skill can be delivered by touch, thrown, or through a weapon. If delivered through a weapon, the targeted character must be struck, and weapons and shields will stop the attack. If the character misses their target, no matter how it is delivered, or the target uses a martial skill to stop the attack, the skill is not used. If the attack is stopped by an Empower skill or a magical defense that stops physical attacks, the skill is used.

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