Greater Disarm

Greater Disarm
List: Master Warrior
Cost: 7
Prereqs: Disarm, Master Proficiency
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Instant

This skill works just like a Disarm skill, except:

1) The skill can be used to disarm a shield. Therefore shields are now a legal target for this skill. The character can choose to disarm the shield or other limb. Just like the Disarm skill, if the character does not specify which limb is affected, then the target character chooses.

2) A weapon wielded in two hands is disarmed with one use of this skill.

3) If a weapon (not a shield) is disarmed, the target character must gently and safely toss the weapon underhanded to the character. The character can opt to catch the weapon or allow it to fall safely to the ground. No other character may attempt to interrupt the weapon in transit and must wait for the weapon to be caught or fall to the ground before interacting with it.

4) To clarify, a Greater Disarm can be used to stop a Disarm or Greater Disarm and the player should call “Greater Retain”.

Since this skill is a Master Skill, it is only stopped by Greater Disarm, Master Parry, Slay Parry, Dodge, etc. and any magical defense that stops physical attacks.

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