
List: Arcane Grifter
Cost: 10
Prereqs: Magic Blade, Rank 3 in any 2 Low Magic Schools
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Special

This skill allows the character to store a low magic, un-augmented spell they personally cast into a unique personal Glyph that they must draw before the time this skill is used. Once drawn the character can then cast any spell they know into the Glyph by reciting the spell verbal and expending 50% more Power Points rounded up. The character must be the caster of the spell, so they cannot place spells from scrolls, items, spells stored with spell storing skill, etc. Only spells they personally cast can be placed in a glyph. What spells they can cast and into what kinds of items is given by the table below:


Use Type

Any Spell

Any Other Item, Shield, or Self
Any Healing or Auras School Spell

” ”
Any School EXCEPT Healing or Auras


The maximum number of Power Points that a character can store in a glyph is 20 PP. Any spell with more Power Points than 20 will not be stored and ALL of the Power Points used in casting and empowering the glyph will be lost. For example, if a character tries to store a Heal Person Spell for 90 Body, the character will lose 45 Power Points, 30 for the spell and 15 more for the cost of activating the Glyph.

The character may have one Glyph charged per purchase of this skill. A Glyph will detect as magical and if identified, will reveal what spell is in the Glyph. A Dispel Magic spell cast on the Glyph will empty it and render it inert. Only the character who drew and charged the Glyph may activate it. In another character’s hands, even another character with the Glyph skill, it is useless.

The Glyph will last until it is destroyed. A Glyph will be destroyed if the object it is drawn up on is destroyed, the limb is severed, or if a character actively removes the skin the Glyph is drawn upon. In the latter case, the character must either be willing or unresisting to have their Glyph removed from their body. If a Glyph is destroyed, the character has to redraw the Glyph expending using another dose of Glyph Ink. The spell stored in the Glyph will last until used or the end of the Event. The Glyph Ink can usually be purchased in-game or made by a character with the Glyph skill. Making the ink requires 10 minutes in-game and the following components to create:



White Ritual Powder

Red Casting Powder

Essence of a Memory Moss

Crushed Emerald
5 sp worth


This will yield 3 Doses of Glyph Ink.

If a Glyph is drawn on the person, it must be in a place that can be exposed in public legally and it must be accessible without undressing. A Glyph cannot be put on a character’s feet unless the player does not wear shoes.

A player may reapply their glyphs for free if the Glyph becomes washed out or smugged.

A Glyph can be drawn on oneself, weapons, shields, armor, clothing, or even a piece of paper. However, if the rune is not on the player’s skin, they must touch it with their hand to activate. The Glyph must be at least 2″ by 2″ and as big as the player wants so long as it fits on the item.

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