Double Shot

Double Shot
List: Ranger
Cost: 4
Prereqs: 2 Ranger Proficiencies
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Instant

This skill allows a character to shoot two arrows at the same time. The character fires their bow or crossbow normally and throws one arrow packet or shoots one arrow at the target. The character may combine any Martial or Dexterity tag skill with the attack, but they must use two purchases of every Martial or Dexterity skill they use to augment their Double Shot. It is not possible to augment only one of the arrows with a skill.

One defense that stops physical attacks must be used for each arrow. This is true even when using a Dodge skill to stop the attack.

For example, Rain is fighting some Superior Skeletons and one of them attacks him. Rain uses his bow to take the undead down before it can get within weapons range. He decides to use a True Aim to make sure he does not miss. He calls, “Double Shot, True Aim, Slay Magic!” The Superior Skeleton calls his Invulerability, but has nothing to stop the second Slay attack so drops. After the encounter, Rain marks off one use of his Double Shot skill, two uses of his True Aim and Slay skills.

To use this skill, the character must prefix the damage verbal with “Double Shot…”.

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