Demonology Rank 4

Demonology Rank 4
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Demonology Rank 3, 75 Power Points, level 7
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 4:

Spell Verbal: From the Unending and <Aspect> Pits of Hell I

  • …Hasten Your Demise.        10 Power Points      Instant, Special.
    • This spell, when cast on a character in their Death Count, cuts their Death Count and current count in half. This can only be cast on a character once per Death Count; it does not stack with itself.
    • For example, Zagon and his friends are fighting a Demonologist and his minions. Zagon is reduced to -1 Body Points and falls. The player begins his Death Count and hopes his friends come by to save him. The Demonologist casts a Hasten Your Demise on Zagon. His current Death Count is Bleeding to Death at 40 seconds. After the spell is cast, Zagon’ current Death Count is Bleeding to Death at 20 seconds and only has 10 seconds before he goes to the Brink of Death. After that he will only have 2 and a half minutes at the Brink of Death to get a life effect.
    • The spell ends when the character dies or receives appropriate healing. Dispel Magic has no effect on this spell.


  • Dominate this Demon.     12 Power Points      1 Hour.
    • When a demon is affected by this spell, it will obey all the commands given by the caster. This spell will affect all demons, including greater demons, but not Hierarchs. However, intelligent demons cannot be ordered to kill themselves; they will also remember who cast the spell on them and may seek vengeance once the spell has worn off. Unlike the Charm School spells, the affected, intelligent demonic character may attack the caster if they wish unless ordered not to.
    • This spell allows the caster to control any demon type regardless of their aspect


  • …Summon Dark Energies to Power Me.       15 Power Points        Special
    • This spell grants the caster a demonic energy pool of the type listed below. The caster can throw the pool at any rate up to the total of their current points or empower their weapons or claws to swing for +1 for each pool point put into the attack. This requires no verbal to use. The pool will fade away after 1 hour if not used
    • Fire: 40 Magic Fire
    • Ice: 40 Magic Ice
    • Undeath: 40 Magic Rot*
    • Shadow: 40 Magic Ghost
    • This spell is NOT stackable with itself.

*This pool does not heal undead.

  • …Summon a Demon to Obey Me      20 Power Points       1 Hour, Special
    • This spell will summon a Superior Demon of the appropriate type depending on the Demonologists Aspect. The character must be in their Death Count for the spell to affect them; if cast upon an undead character or a character who is not at least Bleeding to Death, the spell has no effect and the Power Points are wasted. At the end of the character’s Death Count, their soul is sacrificed to Hell and a Demon will emerge from the dead character’s body. The character’s soul spends a short time in Hell where it is tormented by the denizens of Hell. If the character is healed before the end of their Death Count, the spell ends and the summoning fails. Dispel magic will not stop the spell.
    • When the demon is destroyed, banished, or 1 hour passes, then the demon returns to Hell, leaving whatever worldly possessions it had behind. The player may now go to the Healer’s Guild and resurrect. There is no special consequence of their time spent in Hell other than not being able to play, while playing the demon
  • …Summon Total Demonic Power To Infuse me With Magic      20 Power Points       End of Tag Cycle
    • This spell draws upon Hell’s infernal power to grant the caster extra Power Points which can only be used to cast other Demonology spells. Every time this spell is cast, the caster gains 30 Power Points. The character can only use unadjusted Power Points to cast this spell, they cannot use Demonic Power Points to cast this spell.
    • The character should write the spells name on the back of the Power Point Tags used to cast the spell indicting their increased value.

Demonology Rank 1
Demonology Rank 2
Demonology Rank 3
Demonology Rank 5

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