Bonds Rank 5

Bonds Rank 5
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Bonds Rank 4, 100 Power Points, level 9
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Rank 5:

Spell Verbal: I Create a Magical Seal That Will Cause…

  • …this Portal and Dwelling to be Impenetrable.        20 Temporary Power Points, 1 Permanant Power Point         12 Hours.
    • This spell is considered Lost Magic
    • This spell will magically seal a building or room for 1 hour. No door, window or other exit can be opened and the entire building is indestructible for the duration. Only the caster may pass unhindered through the portals. Anyone else wishing to move through a portal requires a +7 Strength Bonus, non-combinable and the portal will remain open for as long as the character holds it open and can maintain the required Strength Bonus. If a portal is forced in this manner, the spell still stays in effect for the 1 hour duration.
    • While this spell is in effect, no attack can pass though any closed portal. If a portal is opened – either by the caster or by force – then any attack can pass through normally. The Dispel Magic and Free Action spells have no effect on this spell, however any sorcerous dispel will end this spell.
    • If there is no actual doorway – as with a lean-to, pavilion or archway for example – then the portal requires a +9 Strength Bonus to pass through and the character cannot bring any other character with them, nor can they get assistance from another character to pass through. No attacks can pass through no matter how strong the character is or how much damage attempts to pass the portal; only if the character actually forces their way through, can the spell be breached

Bonds Rank 1
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