Bonds Rank 1

Bonds Rank 1
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 1 / 3
Prereqs: 3 Power Points
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No

Bonds is the magic of restraint, holding objects or characters in place. The flash of magic associated with bonds is a deep blue color.


Special Rules for the Bond School:

Any Bond School spell can be removed by its caster. The caster must touch the target player of the spell and say, “I Release You From (name of spell)”. This also applies to the Imprisonment spell, as the act of touching the target player refers to the ability of the caster to make physical contact with the target, not the caster’s character and the target character.

Almost all the Bond spells can be removed by a Dispel Magic; Imprisonment and Impenetrable Portal are the only two listed here that cannot. The Pin, Bind, Paralysis, and Imprisonment spells are not mutually exclusive and therefore, a character can be effected by all four at once.

Characters with an exceptional Strength Bonus are immune to the effects of certain Bonds School spells. Only a Strength Bonus that is combinable counts at all towards determining if a character is immune to a Bonds School spell. Skills, spells and alchemical items that grant a non-combinable Strength Bonus are never considered in the calculations, but skills and spells that grant even a temporary combinable Strength Bonus do count. The table below outlines the required Strength Bonus needed and what spell immunities are gained.

Spell Name
Strength Bonus





Some characters are immune to the effects of Bond School spells. The commonly encountered ones are ethereal or incorporeal undead. Others to be sure exist, but the player must learn of these during game play.

Rank 1:

Spell Verbal: I Create a Magical…

  • …Attachment.        1 Power Point      10 Minutes.
    • This spell attaches an object that weighs no more than 10 pounds to another object. The caster must touch both objects during the casting of the spell. If more than 10 pounds of force is applied to the Attachment, it will break. For example, a bottle could have an Attachment to a staff, but an Attachment could not be used to fix a rope to a wall so a character could swing across a chasm.
    • You cannot cast multiple Attachment spells on an object.
    • This spell is not a combat spell. Attachment can be represented outof-game by duct tape, but the caster is responsible for supplying the duct tape to attach the objects.


  • Pin.     2 Power Points    30 Seconds.
    • The spell attaches the right foot of the target character to the ground. The target can pivot on their right foot, but cannot lift it or move it.
    • A character can break a Pin with a +3 or more Strength Bonus and taking 5 seconds to complete.
    • There is a visible effect to this spell, and it is obvious to any one looking if the character is free or not

Bonds Rank 2
Bonds Rank 3
Bonds Rank 4
Bonds Rank 5

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