Arcane Grifter Tools of the Trade

Arcane Grifter Tools of the Trade
List: Arcane Grifter
Cost: 8
Prereqs: Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Mage Basic Career Skill List, Waylay, Rank 2 in Any 3 Low Magic Schools
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

When a character purchases this skill they gain the ability to use: Thrown Weapons, Small Weapon, One-Handed Edge, Bow, Crossbow, Staff, and the Florentine skill. The character also gains the ability to use a staff in their off hand. This allows them to block only, just like with the Master Florentine skill and a two handed weapon.

Additionally, any Build Points the character may have spent on these weapon skills are refunded when this skill is learned. So, if a character has One-Handed Edge skill, Florentine skill and Thrown Weapon skill the character would get back a total of 8 Build Points, effectively getting the Tools of the Trade skill for free.

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