Half Human Half Something else ...

Half Races

Most races cannot interbreed, they are simply too dissimilar to create offspring. Some, however are similar enough that occasionally a child is born from their union. Humans are the only race that can create half breeds. These children are usually, but not always, sterile and cannot have offspring of their own. If both parents are of the same half breed they will create a half breed child. If one of the parents is of pure blood, they will always create a pure blooded child. Dissimilar half breeds never produce any offspring, so if a Half Orc and a Half Elf mate they will never produce an offspring.

Only humans have the genetic similarity to other races that will produce half breeds. Therefore, there will never, ever be a half Orc, half Elf or a half Elf, half Dwarf or a half Wolfen, half Saurian.

The offspring of the monstrous races will always have free will even though their parent did not, a gift of their free willed parent. Except for Half Elves, half breeds live as long as humans do. Half Elves live about 1,000 years and age as humans do up to about eighteen years old, then physically age about one year for every ten years of life.

Half Elves

Between two worlds

The result of a human and any elf, all Half Elves look the same. They have the same racial characteristics regardless of what kind of Elf the parent was.

Half Ogre

Nothing in Moderation

Half Ogres have a parent who was an Ogre and a parent who was a human. These half breeds are exceptionally strong, very tough, and very proficient fighters with two handed weapons.

Half Orc

Fierce and Strong

Half Orcs are by far the most intelligent of the monstrous half breeds, and with great determination can learn magic.

Half Troll

Strong and Resilient

Half Trolls are the toughest of the half breeds and quite strong; making them excellent warriors.

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