Not common at all
The Common Man

The stock of all humans, the common man lacks any great strength, toughness, magical aptitude or exceptional dexterity. Indeed they are in a word, average, but they also do not suffer from any of the limitations the other races do. They can be anything, learn anything, and strive for any level of greatness they wish unhindered by racial prejudices, weaknesses or limitations. They do not live especially long compared to Elves, but this only drives them to do more in the time they have and to find a level of immortality in their children. The Common Man is able to live anywhere and make do with what ever they have at hand to forge a life for themselves. Indeed it is in their tenacity to grow, learn and adapt that they are able to take and hold so much of Midlantia.

When dealing with the other denizens of the world, they are able to adapt and use their foes weaknesses against them. The Ogre may be stronger, but the Common Man has magic. Trolls may be tougher but the common man has fire and the knowledge and cunning to use it. Elves may be more magical and have great power at their call, but the Common Man has their martial strength and numbers.
The native literacy for the common man is Common, and they may start the game with two Professional Skills for 0 Build Points.