An Ancient People


Many long eons ago the first elves appeared on the world. They went by many names and were called many things, the most common of which was the Anteanum. These Ancient Elves enjoyed dominance over the world and their domain stretched over the known world. Over the centuries and after the appearance of other races, the Anteanum’s numbers dwindled until they faded into obscurity. Their descendants still exist however changed by time.

Rumors persist of sightings of these Ancient Elves whom to this day still live; their immortal lives lived out in a world that has forgotten them.

All elven races share a disdain for all kinds of charms. Along with their dislike for charms they are able to learn a mystical ability to resist the affects of many types of charms. All Elves live for thousands of years, some reaching 4,000 years old. Elves age as humans do until about the age of eighteen, then physically age one year for every fifty years they live.

There are three types of elves a player may choose to play, though there are others that may be encountered during game play, they are not open to players as races they can choose.

Any union between any Elves always results in one of the parent’s racial characteristics being dominant. The player therefore has to choose one of the two races to be their character’s racial characteristics. For example, if a Gray Elf and a Dark Elf have a child, that child will either look like and have the racial advantages and disadvantages for either a Dark Elf or a Gray Elf, not some mix of the two.

Dark Elves

of the deep

The exact origins of the Dark Elves are not known to most people. What is known for sure is that their society reveres one of the Hierarchs, Arachnia.

Gray Elves

Heart of the Nation

The Gray Elven nation on Midlantia is in the heart of the Mistwood. Ruled by the Elven Queen, their cities which blend into the forest are the heart of these people’s lives.

Wood Elves

People of the Mistwood

These descendants of the Anteanum have taken to living in the lush and beautiful forests and glades of the Mistwood.

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