The Master of Arms

Warrior Basic Career

Those players who wish their characters to fight and have the skills and Body Points to make them good at it, should choose this Basic Career and the skills associated with this list. Warriors have a long tradition in fantasy fare to be the ones in the middle of the fighting, going toe to toe with all manner of monsters and villains. It is arguably the most physically demanding – on the player – career in the game.
Many character archetypes fit in this Basic Career, the mercenary, bodyguard, soldier, and adventurer. Indeed, even footpads, highwaymen, and thugs can be made by purchasing this Skill List and later augmenting the character’s skills with a few Rogue skills.
Warriors can learn any Weapon Skill, Shield Skill, or fighting style in the game. They can also learn a few basic, yet very effective, martial skills that will help them survive a fight.
The only Advanced Career that is associated with this career is the Master Warrior. There are other Advanced Careers that the character may pursue that do not depend on a Basic Career for its basis, namely the Alchemist, Spell Singer, Druid, Follower of the Light or Servant of Darkness.


Warrior Basic Career Skill List

The Warrior Basic Career Skill List costs 10 Build to purchase and may only be purchased once.

Name Cost Prereq Purchase Tagged
Armor Proficiency 4 Armor Skill Once No
Armor Reset 2 Armor Skill Multi Yes
Armor Skill 2 Once No
Cleave 3 1 Proficiency Skill Multi Yes
Critical Attack 5 Any Weapon Skill Multi No
Disarm 4 Any Weapon Skill Multi Yes
Florentine 3 Any One-Handed Weapon Skill Once Yes
Morale Boost 4 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 1 Proficiency Skill Multi Yes
Shield Skill 5 Once No
Stunning Blow 6 Any 1 Proficiency Multi Yes
Warrior Basic Career Skill List 10 Once No
Weapon Proficiency 10 Any Weapon Skill Multi No
Weapon Skill: Bastard Blunt 4 Once No
Weapon Skill: Bastard Edge 4 Once No
Weapon Skill: Bow 3 Once No
Weapon Skill: Crossbow 4 Once No
Weapon Skill: One-Handed Blunt 2 Once No
Weapon Skill: One-Handed Edge 2 Once No
Weapon Skill: Polearm 5 Once No
Weapon Skill: Quarterstaff 2 Once No
Weapon Skill: Small Weapon 0 Once No
Weapon Skill: Spear 3 Once No
Weapon Skill: Thrown Weapon 2 Once No
Weapon Skill: Two-Handed Blunt 4 Once No
Weapon Skill: Two-Handed Edge 4 Once No
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