No Lock is Safe

Master Thief

Master Thieves are skilled burglars, pickpockets, scouts and infiltrators. The varied skills of the Master Thief allow them to take advantage of almost any situation. No one is more adept at disarming traps and opening a lock than a Master Thief. Indeed, it is almost impossible to keep these skilled rogues out from where they are not wanted. While not good in a fight, they do possess the ability to silence a person and varied defensive skills to get themselves out of trouble.

Master Thieves have different motivations. Some steal from the rich to give to the poor while others steal from anyone and give it all to themselves. Regardless of their intentions, Master Thieves oft find themselves in trouble with the law. With abilities like Pick Pockets and Speed Search they can quickly get what they are after; with the ability to dodge, deflect arrows, distract and escape they are able to get away with the goods. Even the most secure and well guarded treasure box is emptied flawlessly in mere seconds.

In short, guard your purse, watch your treasure, and keep your valuables in a safe place for the Master Thief is out there and he has his eye on your most valued treasures

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Master Thief Advanced Career

Master Thief will give a refund of any weapon skills it unlocks for the character that they might already know.

Name Cost Prereq Purchase Tagged
Advanced Set Traps 3 Set Traps Rank 5 2 Time No
Critical Backstab 3 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, 2 Backstabs Multi Yes
Distraction 4 Trap Dodge Multi Yes
Dodge 10 1 Assassinate, 2 Side Steps ~or~ Master Thief, 2 Critical Backstabs, 2 Side Steps ~or~ Iron Hand, 4 Monk Proficiencies Multi Yes
Escape 3 Dodge ~or~ Magic Tools Multi Yes
Master Set Traps 5 Quick Disarm, Set Trap Rank 4 Once No
Master Thief 10 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Waylay, Pick Lock, Disarm Trap Once No
Master Waylay 5 Waylay, 20 Build of Additional Dexterity Skills Once No
Missile Deflection 3 Rogue Basic Career Skill List Multi Yes
Pick Pockets 4 Speed Search Multi No
Poison Immunity 5 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, 20 Build Points of Dexterity Skills ~or~ Resist Alchemy Multi No
Quick Disarm Trap 5 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Disarm Trap, Trap Dodge Multi Yes
Quick Pick Locks 5 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Pick Locks, Trap Dodge Multi Yes
Set Trap Rank 5 5 Set Trap Rank 4, Master Thief Once No
Speed Search 6 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Evaluate Item Once No
Tight Rope Walker 4 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Climb ~or~ Iron Hand, 2 Monk Proficiencies Once No
Trap Dodge 4 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Set Trap Rank 3 Multi Yes
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