Fists of Steel

Warrior Monk

By honing their fists, Monks are the only class in the game that is able to use LAIRE Talon physreps to fight with. Their punches are up close and personal, and to enable them to keep punching they have a slew of martial and dextrous skills at their disposal.

Warrior Monks are not a faith class and as such do not require the character to offer any special devotion to one of the three powers in the LAIRE game world. Though some of their abilities may look magical, they are in fact physical attacks based on centuries of knowledge and testing. This is not to say that the Warrior Monk does not perform some amazing things or relying on mystical forces to hone their bodies into weapons.

warrior monk

Monk Advanced Career

When a monk first learns Iron Hand they have the ability to re-train up to two regular proficiencies or 3 backstabs into monk proficiencies. This cannot be done later or reversed.

Name Cost Prereq Purchase Tagged
Blind Fighting 5 1 Master Proficiency ~or~ 1 Assassin Proficiency ~or~ 1 Monk Proficiency ~or~ 1 Ranger Proficiency Once No
Critical Backstab 3 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, 2 Backstabs Multi Yes
Dodge 10 1 Assassinate, 2 Side Steps ~or~ Master Thief, 2 Critical Backstabs, 2 Side Steps ~or~ Iron Hand, 4 Monk Proficiencies Multi Yes
Escape 3 Dodge ~or~ Magic Tools Multi Yes
Flurry of Blows 5 Spirit Palm Multi Yes
Iron Hand 10 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, Rogue Basic Career Skill List, 1 Weapon Skill, and 1 Backstab or Proficiency Once No
Iron Skin 8 Soul Palm Once No
Master Parry 4 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Proficiencies ~or~ 1 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
Missile Deflection 3 Rogue Basic Career Skill List Multi Yes
Monk Proficiency 10 Iron Hand Multi No
Mystic Fist 2 5 Monk Proficiencies, Soul Palm Once No
Paralysis Strike 8 Mystic Fist Multi No
Resist Disease/Poison 5 Iron Skin Multi Yes
Shatter Weapon 5 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 1 Proficiency ~or~ Iron Hand, 1 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
Soul Palm 3 4 Monk Proficiencies, Spirit Palm Once No
Speed 5 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Proficiencies ~or~ 2 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
Spirit Palm 5 3 Monk Proficiencies, Iron Hand Once No
Tight Rope Walker 4 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Climb ~or~ Iron Hand, 2 Monk Proficiencies Once No
Weapon Accuracy 3 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 1 Proficiency ~or~ 1 Asassin Proficiency ~or~ 1 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
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