

An Alchemist is an individual devoted to understanding and unlocking the secrets of nature and using them to create rare and exotic substances. In addition to a devotion to studying all the available alchemical literature, the basis of the Alchemist consists of tradesman skills, such as refining, distilling, and preparing dissected parts into alchemical components. As the Alchemist advances they learn to combine these trades with their knowledge of the arcane and science to create standard alchemical items from known recipes. Once an Alchemist has advanced well into their career the famous alchemical skills become available, such as the creation of golems. At the apex of their career, after many years of hard work and study the alchemist may be able to achieve rank 5 of their chosen specialty and there by perform research and design their own alchemical items. It is truly the rare and almost unheard of alchemist who has achieved rank 6 in any one school of alchemy.


Alchemist Advanced Career

Alchemists can focus on as many or as few schools as they want, though having a firm foundation is always beneficial.

Name Cost Prereq Purchase Tagged
Advanced Refining 5 Identify Component Once No
Alchemy Lore 2 Literacy, Herbal Lore Once No
Create Golem Rank 1 2 Embalmin, Two Rank 5 of Potions, Poisons, or Solutions Once No
Dissection 5 Alchemy Lore ~or~ Sorcery Lore Once No
Embalming 2 Alchemy Lore, Dissection Once No
Extend Duration 5 Alchemy Lore, Any one Rank 4 of Potions, Poisons, or Solutions Once No
Identify Component 3 Dissection Once No
Inner Catalyst 0 Potions Rank 5 Once No
Make Contact 3 Any One Rank 3 of Potions, Poisons, or Solutions Once No
Make Gaseous 3 Any Two Rank 4 of Potions, Poisons, or Solutions Once No
Poison Immunity 5 Rogue Basic Career Skill List, 20 Build Points of Dexterity Skills ~or~ Resist Alchemy Multi No
Poisons Rank 1 2 Alchemy Lore ~or~ Poison Lore Once No
Potions Rank 1 2 Alchemy Lore Once No
Resist Alchemy 3 Alchemy Lore, Any Two Rank 3 of Potions, Poisons, or Solutions Multi Yes
Solutions Rank 1 2 Alchemy Lore Once No
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