One Book To Rule them all

The Rules

Before joining any live-action roleplaying (LARP) game, you should familiarize yourself with the rulebook. Our rulebook serves as the guide to the game, outlining the expectations and boundaries that all players should be aware of. The basics of the rulebook include the types of character careers, rules for combat, magic, and other general guidelines.

The rulebook is broken down into nine sections, making it easier to find what you’re looking for. It is helpful to read the rulebook before participating in a LAIRE event, so that you have a good understanding of the game’s goals and mechanics. Understanding the basics of the rulebook can help prevent confusion or frustration during gameplay. Additionally, it can help players work together to create a safe and fun environment for everyone.

LAIRE Rulebook Cover


The Many Races of Midlantia

There are twenty different races, and several tribes of humans to
choose from when making a character in addition to the standard
human race. This could be the most important initial choice a player
can make.

Basic Careers

Starting Character Skills

There are three Basic Career Skill Lists which the player can choose for their new character. The player also has the option of just buying the skills off those lists and skills from the Miscellaneous Skill List.

Advanced Careers

Who will you become?

This section of the rules describes the advanced careers a player may chose for their character. All of these groups of skills advance the three Basic Careers – fighters, mages and rogues.

Skill Index

The Big List of Skills

The online skill index and descriptions that make the game work


LAIRE 4th Edition Player Guide

Get the Player Rulebook Here

New Players Guide

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