Gehennan Tresures and the Return of The Hellion Queen

The host took a long journey From Imbar all the way Southeast into the Plains of Gehenna where the Outlanders originate. It also holds the ruins and history of the Carthidian Empire. An ancient race that still lives today, though they are few. 

The Plains of Gehenna are a desert wasteland that is harsh with its magical lightning storms. These storms are why the Outlanders hate magic and have grown a natural resistance against it. 

Once in the desert Avalon was then escorted further East towards an encampment near the city of Tenthetra. Leading the way was a herd of rhino-like creatures with huge horns. These horns worked like lightning rods and the creatures ate said lighting, getting Avalon to the encampment safely, for the most part. 

The reason for Avalon’s very rare visit to the desert is because of a request sent by Lady Sekemket the Unmarred and Lord Arongeth. They were true golden-skin Carthidians that both had stakes in becoming the next Pharaoh of  a New Carthidia. They have asked Avalon to help search the underground and very ancient ruins for particular items that would help either one in the upcoming “Trials of the Pharaoh”. 

Friday night as this search began the encampment was almost immediately raided by a group of Hellions. This was to be a known danger since Hellions are nothing more than corrupted Outlanders but it did make things challenging for the host for just like Outlanders, Hellions shared the same magic resistance Nonetheless, Avalon dealt with the Hellions as they came. 

The first ruins search did yield some interesting finds; one was a broken piece of obsidian that had gold hieroglyphs, like a tablet and a unique blue crystal. Upon inspection of the tablet, Squire Wolfclaw, being a citizen of Carthidia herself, had the ability to determine that the tablet was used to hold the trial information. The Carthidian writing was gibberish at best which was something to be deciphered with more pieces. The crystal on the other hand was unique indeed, it was Pure Essence of Water, as if the element itself was condensed and forced to solidify into crystal form. But there was a curse, and it was attuned to Lord Donovan. Unless given away freely there was no way to remove it from his person.

Suddenly a dark shadow-y being appeared and stormed into the main tent. He had exuded a power that was neither good or evil and part of his face was gold in color. He stalked towards Lord Donovan demanding the crystal claiming that it was his to have and it had been taken from him. Lord Donavan refused and this Shadow proceeded to try and rip it from him. That didn’t go well for the Shadow as heroes reacted quickly to the assault and engaged him in combat. The Shadow, with a calm that was unearthly, fought back and walked around just taking hits. Many flashes of ritual defenses sparked from him. He was powerful indeed if he could just stalk around and get hit. Eventually he disappeared into the shadows around the. He was going to be a big problem if he was adamant about the crystal. 

And he was, throughout the gathering he would appear and disappear again and again. It was also discovered that his partial gold face was due to him possibly absorbing a Carthidian and slowly becoming one. This Shadow Carthidian was very formidable. 

As the gathering continued, groups of people of all skill levels were able to get into the ruins in search of the tablet for the Charthidians and more crystals were being discovered. 

Sometime during the weekend the Druids and their initiates  met with the Forestal Gehenna. She informed them that these crystals were actually very vital to her and the land. If she were to get them she could start repairing the lands of the corruption and pain Angala has caused. That’s right, the same Hellion Queen from the Highlands was back and causing a slew of problems. According to Gehenna, Angala has two crystals, Earth and Air. There is no telling what would happen if the Hellion Queen would do if she were to get all of the Crystals. 

So Avalon had another goal, find the remaining crystals and get the ones Angala has and get them to Gehenna. Easier said than done.

As the gathering progressed, the two Pharaohs-to-be graced Avalon with their presence and assisted when needed. They mingled with the people of Avalon getting to know them. It was refreshing to some to see such noble beings of a foreign party just chatting with those of not noble stations and even the fresh faces that decided to join Avalon this gathering. Even though they were against one another for the throne they were cordial. 

Sometime in the afternoon Sunday an Anubis headed being called a Myrmidon appeared calling for all the Followers of the Light, Acolytes included to go with it. The Paladins, Clerics and Acolytes all gathered very quickly and left with this being. Not long after they left a report of a Hellion Legion approaching the encampment. The heroes mustered quickly and headed out to engage with the enemy. There was chanting and yelling for the Bloodstorm Tribe.

Angala’s tribe. 

The fight was tough on Avalon just for the simple fact that magic was all but useless against the Hellions. The battle mages had to shift to being support. Not to mention Avalon was down a good ten heroes due to the Followers of the Light being gone. The battle started to feel like it was beginning to wane and going in a not so good direction for Avalon when out of nowhere a loud bellowing roar of a Dragon, familiar to some, echoed across the battlefield. A blue light floated in and spilled on the Avalonian side and then faded to reveal the Paladins, Clerics and the Acolytes that had left with the Myrmidon earlier. With haste they joined the fray to relieve some of the front line. In no time, a final push was made and this band of Hellions was taken care of.

According to Sir Garren, a Paladin that left with the others, they were needed to help a particular person who was in a dire situation. They were brought to a cave where they had to solve puzzles using their tenants in order to pass through. Once they did they were in another room called The Seat of Dragons that housed nine seats. One of which was occupied by Nivaine, the Dragon known as The Challenger. Before her was a Southern Barbarian who was in excruciating pain. Apparently he is a Demon Hunter who had consumed too much demon mea and was slowly changing into one himself. The Followers of the Light took no time at all to gather around him and began a consecration to heal this poor man. Nivaine spoke with Desmon, who was her Dragon Knight and handed over the crystal of Life Essence. They succeeded in healing the man and Nivaine told them they were needed elsewhere and sent them in a blue light back to the host.

Everything came to a head on Monday morning when Gehenna appeared before Avalon and quickly made her way to find Kenai and the other Druids. She reported that Angala and her Hellions have been located. Their number was in the thousands and they had just as many prisoners they were most likely using for their Hellion curses. This curse was not a good one for anyone. If a Hellion were to fall in battle and run through, their being would transfer to the person they cursed and that Hellion would burst out of the cursed person. Giving them the ability to fight again and again. 

Sir Garren quickly took command and ordered a march to once again fight Angala and her forces. 

Just as they approached the army of Hellions the Shadow Carthidian exited a shadowy portal. His face was now different. It was now fully gold surrounded by shadow. It seems his power has also increased in some way. He stood there pontificating in anger how he was the one true and rightful Pharoah by might and that he was there to take back what was his. The crystals. 

Not backing down, Avalon knew what they needed to do and engaged both enemies. 

The fight was harsh and brutal. The Hellion line was so thick there was no way to pass through without being immediately cut down. The Queen walked up and down her line snarling, growling and fighting. The Shadow Carthidian weaved in and out of both lines with a stoic determination in his gait on the hunt for the crystals. 

The waves of Hellions kept coming again and again so often it was very clear they were using their prisoners to keep fighting. A few Avalonians concentrated their efforts against Angala. One sure way to end the fight was to get to her and the crystals she held. 

Just as things were looking dire, the Queen screamed out and started bleeding from her mouth. A familiar sign that she was about to parish and burst out of someone else that was not at this battle. Desmon, Sir Garren and Squire Wolfclaw focused on her just as the Shadow Carthidian drew closer. Then in a split second the Queen was pulled away by the Heirarch known as Pid. In her wake the crystals fell to the ground. Thinking on her feet the Squire got between them and the Shadow and fought with him, ensuring the crystals got into Avalonian hands. 

In the midst of the chaos all of the crystals were gathered and brought to the Forestal. She gathered them and in a massive pulse of powerful nature magic the crystal coalesced and shattered. The Forestal absorbed the energy and called out for the dark connection to be severed. Tendrils of magic flew over the battlefield and engulfed the Hellions breaking their cures connections to their captives. 

Invigorated by the success, Avalon made a final push against their adversaries. The Hellions either fled or were permanently cut down. The Shadow Carthidian hollered out a threat of return and vanished through a Shadow Gate back to his own realm. 

HUZZAH! The day was won against a very dangerous and difficult enemy. 

The heroes made their way to the enemy camp to help free the remaining Outlanders. 

Even though this was a victory of battle it still hit very hard on the Outlander tribes. They had lost a lot to the Hellions but they will survive and move forward.

Avalon helped where they could and set their sights on home.

What will happen to them next?

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